Sign up User Approval Odoo App is used to allow admin or manager to easily approve or reject new sign up users. ...

Inventory Movement & Rotation Analysis Excel Report odoo app helps users to identify warehouse stock rotation for products. Users can see total sale, sales retu...

Auto Generate Lot Number in Inventory Odoo App helps to generate serial number and lot number from Inventory. ...

POS Category Grid/List View Layouts odoo app helps users to show point of sale product categories in multiple views like list view or grid view...

Update Timesheet to Another Project/Task Odoo App helps users to easily update projects and tasks for multiple timesheets....

"Let's know about which changes done in odoo 14 for CRM and sales Module. CRM and Sales features are very Importatnt for you businesses. If you want to migratâ...

Odoo is an open source solution that is constantly upgraded and improved by thousands of Odoo specialists around the world. The main advantage is that it can bâ...

Odoo has an amazing E-commerce application that enables you to do the online business conveniently....

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